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Edwin Hilton probate - 1952
Edwin Hilton probate - 1952
Edwin was the second husband of Dave's maternal grandmother. He died on 27 Aug 1952. Probate was granted in London on 21 Oct 1952.
Ellen Hilton probate - 1958
Ellen Hilton probate - 1958
Ellen was Dave's maternal grandmother. She died on 27 Jul 1958. On 20 Aug 1958, probate was granted to Dave's father, John Foster.
Richard Anstey will - 1618
Richard Anstey will - 1618
Richard was Irene's 11* great grandfather. Following is a transcription of his will - which is VERY difficult to read!!!
You will need to expand the image above to have any chance of reading it.

Richard Anstee Will 1618
[margin: 106

In the name of god Amen I Richard Anssey of Swanbourne in the County of Bucks taylor sicke in bodie but whoall in mynde thankes be to Almyghtie god make and ordaine this my present testament
in manner and forme following first I bequeath [usually “my soul”] into the handes
of god my father hoping to be saved by the death and passion of jesus christ And my bodie to be buryed in the churchyard of Swanbourne aforesaid

Item I geve and bequeath to Thomas my sonne A cupple of
loftes the one over the hall thother over the chamber :- the howse wherein
I nowe lie and a baie ….. of a barne adjoynyng to the same; all
belonging to my sonne Thomas as Appeareth by A leasse next after my decease

Item I geve to Thomas my sonne v s within one yeare next after
my decease Item I geve to Jhon the sonne of Thomas Anstey x s to
be paid him within iii yeares next after my decease

Item I geve And bequeath to my sonne Benjamen and to the sones of his bodie Lawfulle
begotten iii acres of Land that is to saie one acre in the west field shooting [?]
into haywar sedge one Aker in the south field in bryans crofte And
An aker in the north field at greenewaies end with A parcell of
ground in the Leares Aco..es comon And v [This letter appears freestanding – ie 5, but might also be a u and could be part of the following illegible word] s.pes comon to
be had or taken within the parish of Swanbourne aforesaid

Item I geve to my doughter Dorathie iiii Li to be paid her within iiii yeares next
after my decease A bedstead and .. boardes to make her a …bord with itt

Item I geve and bequeath to my doughter Kathrin iiii Li to be paid her within
iiii yeares next after my decease A cabbord A bedstead and a cupple
of newe plankes

All the rest of my goodes not bequeathed my debtes
paid my legacies performed and herafter laid in the earth I geve
and bequeath to Joan my wyff to hold all my land during her lyff and
to Benjamen my sonne to be equallie devyded bewteene them.
Witnesses Thomas Lovens Vicar
Thomas Astie

[Please find below the Latin bit….I have attempted to copy the letters for you. I know that some are definitely not correct! Some letters are more of less identical, eg st/f and all of the vowels. The “–“ indicates where the scribe has used an abbreviation. Although the three abbreviations on the first line are all “m”s and come at the end of the words, note that these abbreviations are often not at the ends of the words. Good luck with it! NB: I have NOT charged you for this!!]
Probatu- fuit hoc testamentu- cora- nobis Je..e Smithe in
LL Bach: … ..e..inat Bucks Commisar ac Dff- 26o
die mensis Mar- Ano- Dne- 1618 doisse – General Adm- st..-
tione, Beniamin Anstie …………………… [above: folio di. Ofimat] in hmedi- testi in forme juris
Jurat Retortete potestete domittodie st miles potestete in
Johanna Anstie Relicta … Ofinicts cod venerit
Jure Cum sties Dates ut stip-
Roger Foster probate - 1944
Roger Foster probate - 1944
Roger was Dave's great uncle. Although he died in 1935, probate was not declared until 1944! The recipient is unknown.
The will of Letitia Frances Foster - 1921
The will of Letitia Frances Foster - 1921
Letitia was the sister of Dave's father. It is surprising to see how much money she had at her death.
Will of William Mossop of Cringlethwaite
Will of William Mossop of Cringlethwaite
The deceased William Mossop was the son of Clement Mossop, who was the 7* great grandfather of Dave's daughter Judy.